Frequently Asked Questions
Guests duly accompanied with members are allowed to visit with in Club timings.
No, GPA holder cannot transfer the plot.
Yes, a minor can obtain DHA membership through his/her guardian.
No, GPA (General Power Attorney) must be revoked before transfer of property.
No, GPA (General Power Attorney) must be revoked before transfer of property.
No, 'A' lease must be surrendered before transfer of property except in case of legal heirs where on demise of the owner, 'A' lease is cancelled.
No, 'A' lease must be surrendered before transfer of property except in case of legal heirs where on demise of the owner, 'A' lease is cancelled.
Yes, the Sign Before for transfer of plot can be executed within same day by payment of Urgent Sign Before fee, only when it is free from any and all encumbrances.
Yes, the Sign Before for transfer of plot can be executed within same day by payment of Urgent Sign Before fee, only when it is free from any and all encumbrances.
No, except KMC Land and PQA Land.
Yes, on payment of prescribed urgent fee, case can be processed.
Any person duly authorized by the plot owner may collect the statement of account presenting the authority letter.
Yes, Div/Amlg are processed after payment of urgent fees.
Yes, DHA can process Div/Amlg cases on the authority of MEO Div/Amlg letters.
Yes, on payment of prescribed urgent fee, case can be processed.
Yes Member and their guest can arrange functions in Club.
Yes, details may be obtained / confirmed on UAN 021-111-589-589 Ext 2070 & 2044 for DHA Karachi, and 2003 & 2183 for DHA City Karachi.
Yes, details are available on DHA Website i.e. https://www.dhakarachi.orgdha-city-karachi/payments/
Yes, on provision of consent letter in favour of one co-owner from all other co-owners.
Yes, on provision of consent letter in favour of one co-owner from all other co-owners.
No, Apch registrar office/MEO.
Yes, if property is open or not constructed, (B/C-Lease req)
No, except open plot.
No, The title document of the property must be produced with the transfer documents.
No, the title document of the property must be produced with the transfer documents.
No, membership is restricted to the individual itself and cannot be transferred to Husband/Wife/Children etc or to any other person.
No, Membership is restricted to the individual itself and cannot be transferred to husband / wife / children etc or to any other person.
Crime control can solely and unequivocally be accredited to deterrence; deterrence is fundamentally created by just and timely prosecution, prosecution depends on comprehensive and correct investigation, and investigation is subject to correct and timely apprehension, based on intelligent assessment and carefully made plans. Contrary to highlight demands, SECURITY & VIGILANCE Directorate has no domain to conduct or even partially influence said three pillars or stages i.e. apprehension, investigation and prosecution, which only if professionally done, can lead to successful crime control.
The only factor where SECURITY & VIGILANCE can contribute is prevention, which is done by patrolling and with whatever possible assistance can be rendered to LEAs, within legal frame work. DHA is cognizant of the crime factor and endeavor to provide a platform for a joint mechanism involving Police and rangers to do whatever possible for crime con.
SECURITY & VIGILANCE is not responsible for municipal functions; however, in order to facilitate residents SECURITY & VIGILANCE registers the complaints received through own monitoring staff or as complaints from residents and promptly relays it to concerned agency i.e. CBC, KE, SSGC etc. In case of non-address, the complaints are pursued but at times, the responsible agency has some technical issues forcing delays.
Yes, valid membership is compulsory for mutation in DHA.
Yes, both (seller/donor and buyer/ done) valid membership is required before the submission of Transfer / Hiba documents.
Yes, both (seller/donor and buyer/ donee) valid membership is required before the submission of Transfer / Hiba documents.
Yes, valid membership is compulsory for amalgamation in DHA.
Yes, valid membership is compulsory for division in DHA.
Anti-encroachment ops are regularly conducted but owing to the absence of strong deterring factor for violators, it keeps coming back despite warning and confiscation.
In order to conform to legal demand, SECURITY & VIGILANCE Dte endeavors to ensure presence of magistrate at demolish site. Through CBC, who has the availability of magistrate for only 4x days in a month; out of which the magistrate is made available for a day or two (at best) to DHA. This enforces delay in execution of demolish orders.
Legal heirs are required to obtain DHA membership in Category 'C' However if legal heirs are already DHA Members in Category 'A' or 'B' then Category 'C' is not required.
Legal heirs are required to obtain DHA membership in category 'C' However if legal heirs are already DHA Members in category 'A' or 'B' the category 'C' is not required.
Firstly, apprehension may not be a right word to be used here, as it is an exclusive domain of LEAs only. Secondly SECURITY & VIGILANCE Dte does two things i.e. confiscation of the bicycles / motorcycles used by these garbage / rag pickers and handing over of these boys to Police. The problem confronted by police is that gradually every Afghani boy is being found in possession of valid CNIC. Nevertheless, whatever possible, is being done by S&V Dte to discourage them e.g. as per new policy, confiscated items are not being returned before 4 - 6 months.
The member can change his postal and permanent address any time under his own signatures on a prescribed Change of Address proforma.
The member can change his postal and permanent address any time under his own signatures on a prescribed Change of Address proforma.
The member can change his postal and permanent address any time under his own signatures on a prescribed Change of Address proforma.
- You may apply for jobs by downloading and completing the employment form from the home page footer after a vacancy/ position is advertised in Newspaper or displayed on DHA's official website.
- Subsequently, the completed form along with the copies of CV, educational documents, domicile, experience certificate, CNIC and 2x recent passport size photographs need to be sent via courier at the postal address mentioned in the advertisement.
- After scrutiny of documents, eligible applicants will be informed by phone call/ text message for test / interview schedule.
- After test/ interview, shortlisted applicants will be informed by phone call/ text message for the collection of their medical examination letter from the DHA Head Office.
- Upon submission of Medical Fitness Certificate from DHA Head Office Karachi at the HR Branch by the applicants (by hand), HR Branch DHA will issued employment letter to finally selected applicants.
Detail of dues or any financial information can be obtained/confirmed from Payment Counter on Ground Floor of the Main Office Building (2-B, East Street, Phase – I, DHA, Karachi).
Detail of dues or any financial information can be obtained/confirmed from Payment Counter on Ground Floor of the Main Office Building.
Statement of account is issued on written request of plot owner addressed to Director Finance.
Above 28 years of age and daughter/ son of member can apply for independent
Membership on Discounted Membership Fee.
Plot can be transferred in open market by completing all documents required at their end. Payment of registration fee and up to date installments prior to the transfer, are mandatory.
DHA membership is mandatory and pre-requisite for acquiring membership of the Club.
Any person seeking membership of DA Club will have to obtain membership application
form worth Rs. 200/- from the club office while doing so he/ she is to give his / her name,
address and telephone no to staff / supdt.
Membership fee is 20 lacs in Pakistani rupees for Cat B Membership.
SECURITY & VIGILANCE in collaboration with CBC is working on a plan to remove all workshops and Kabari shops from DHA. Most of the owners have already been served notices and few have been sealed as well. In response, Workshops / Kabarri shops owner have taken the matter to Court and have got Stay Order. On the issue; DHA is making best possible effort to get a favourable decision
The down payment of all successful applicant (processing fee + installment) was utilized as your first quarterly installment for the period of Oct, Nov, Dec-2009 which is not refundable. If you are not interested to keep the plot, it will be automatically cancelled by not submitting membership fee and six quarterly installments..
Plot / Sector nos will be intimated through "Intimation Letters" after updation of your membership at DHA City Karachi. However, allottee can check the same from DHA website by entering his / her CNIC no, membership no, plot reference no without dashes.
If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to upgrade your browser to latest version. You may also use Google Chrome or Mozila Firefox.
You may visit DHA Head Office personally or send your representative for collection of correct blank M/ship form. However membership forms of all categories can be down loaded from DHA Website.
You may visit DHA Head Office at Transfer & Record Directorate personally or send your representative for collection of correct blank membership form. However membership forms of all category can be downloaded from DHA website.
Enforcement of DHA bye-laws is one of the two primary roles of SECURITY & VIGILANCE Directorate; whereas, general area security of DHA / residents is an obvious the responsibility of Sindh Police. However, as a secondary role, SECURITY & VIGILANCE Directorate assists Police; but its’ patrolling resources are not good enough to generate prompt response for crime control.
The owner may submit his request for deputation of a DHA designated officer for Sign Before at his residence at his expense.
The owner may submit his/her request for deputation of a DHA designated officer for Sign Before at his/her residence at his/her expense.
While living abroad if you wish to authorize any individual here in Karachi you should simply adopt a procedure through which any individual can collect your Information Letter and Membership Form. Write an application along with your signature, attach copies of CNIC of both (self, to whom you are authorizing), get the application and CNICs attested through the Embassy of Pakistan and post it back to the authorized individual, who would be able to collect documents on your behalf from DHA Head Office Karachi.
You will nominate/authorized any person in Pakistan through E-Mail (as mentioned in membership docus) and forward particulars of nominate individual including its name, CNIC no and contact no to this authority. The authorized person may be directed to report to DHA Karachi (T&R Dte) along with case deposit receipt (in original). The title documents will be despatched through DHL courier service at the risk/cost of owner.
Firing in a densely populated city like Karachi, can be seriously double edged. The risk factor does not permit asking a non-governmental body to fire; as it can have serious legal complications. Nevertheless, SECURITY & VIGILANCE in coordination with Rangers / Police, patrols the areas, because whether fire or no fire, presence of SECURITY & VIGILANCE still deters criminals; to at least wait for any patrolling vehicles (whether Police, Rangers or SECURITY & VIGILANCE) to leave before the crime is committed.
SECURITY & VIGILANCE is principally a Directorate raised and structured to ensure implementation / compliance of DHA bye-laws and to provide security to DHA assets. However, over a period of time, the scope of duties has enhanced to entire DHA. The intent and drive behind highlighted enhancement is hard to conclude; either DHA had to step out of mandate, owing to the receding role by concerned agencies or SECURITY & VIGILANCE’s self-assumed proactive role made others agencies to retreat, in order to focus more on areas other than DHA. Whatever be the case, SECURITY & VIGILANCE recognizably works more and well beyond the call of duty.
Instruction slip of Transfer Legal Heirs of non-leased properties will be followed.
No, only Category 'A' and 'B' DHA members are eligible for the DHA club membership.
No, only Category 'A' and 'B' DHA members are eligible fir the DHA club membership.
Yes, on provision of authority letter duly signed by the owner in front of DHA designated Officer as per DHA specimen.
Buyer presence is not mandatory but if desired then there is no objection by DHA Designated officer.
Buyer presence is not mandatory but any if desires then there is no objection by DHA Designated officer.
Yes, DHA Membership is not valid for DHA City Karachi. DHA City Karachi membership is required separately for DHA City Karachi plots.
Yes, it is mandatory for all Legal heirs to be present in DHA Karachi to carry out sign before formalities.
Yes, it is mandatory for all Legal heirs to be present in DHA Karachi to carry out sign before formalities.
Yes Member Can Get introductory Letter for affiliated Club in Islamabad, Lahore,
Faisalabad, Peshawar, and Quetta.
DHA do not transfer / hiba any property without presence of owner. No GPA is accepted in DHA Karachi for transfer of property. However in case of any reason member is unable to visit in DHA City Karachi office, member can request to carry out sign before formalities at their home/location with additional fees/expenses which will born by Owner of property.
DHA do not transfer / hiba any property without presence of owner. No GPA is accepted in DHA Karachi for transfer of property. However in case of any reason member is unable to visit in DHA Karachi office, member can request to carry out sign before formalities at their home/location with additional fees/expenses which will born by Owner of property.
As per DHA procedure “WILL” not accepted in DHA. In the life time the owner he/she can transfer/hiba his property to any DHA City member but after his/her demise the property will be transfer to his/her legal heirs as per sharia LAW/ Court order.
As per DHA procedure “WILL” not accepted in DHA. In the life time the owner he/she can transfer/hiba his property to any DHA member but after his/her demise the property will be transfer to his/her legal heirs as per shariya LAW/ Court order.
Property cannot be transferred without presence of owner because biometric authecation / seller sign before is mandatory in front of DHA designated officer for transfer of plot and updation of DHA record.
Property /Plot cannot be transferred without presence of owner because biometric authentication / seller sign before is mandatory in front of DHA designated officer for transfer of plot and updation of DHA City record.
No. there are different types of DHA membership which has different fees.
No. there are different types of DHA membership, which has different fees.
Playing of loud music / late night parties is equally a concern for DHA, as is for residents. S&V responds to the complaint but usually the volume is reduced on he avoids of S&V but it all gets resumed as and when our staff depart the scene. Police is involved but owing to the nature, police also does not take any hard steps, which sometime encourage people to continue.
Yes, the mutation can be done, if the property is not constructed.
DHA membership in Category 'A' and 'B' are valid for life time subject to renewal after every 5 years.
DHA membership in category 'A' and 'B' are valid for life time subject to renewal after every 5 years.
DHA Karachi spread over an area of 8671 acres and with road network of approximately 647 Kms, is patrolled round the clock by 9x mobile vehicles and 18x Motorcycles only. This strength by no means is capable to patrol every street and corner, and with a frequency that gets noticed. Moreover, its pertinent to highlight that security of residents is the responsibility of Police; whereas SECURITY & VIGILANCE within limited capability and capacity endeavors to assist Sindh Police.
SECURITY & VIGILANCE Directorates expenditure is met out of DHA’s own financial resources and Not out of the taxes paid by residents, which infact is collected by CBC.
SECURITY & VIGILANCE is principally a Directorate raised and structured to ensure implementation / compliance of DHA bye-laws and to provide security to DHA assets. However, over a period of time, the scope of duties has enhanced to entire DHA. The intent and drive behind highlighted enhancement is hard to conclude; either DHA had to step out of mandate, owing to the receding role by concerned agencies or SECURITY & VIGILANCE’s self-assumed proactive role made others agencies to retreat, in order to focus more on areas other than DHA. Whatever be the case, SECURITY & VIGILANCE recognizably works more and well beyond the call of duty.
SECURITY & VIGILANCE has no authority of detention; hence despite a will for stern action, the action as per legal dictate has to be restricted to a more facilitation i.e. collecting beggars and handling them over to police and if police shows inability to detain, the beggars are dropped off outside DHA; needless to say how fruitful that can be.
The real issue here is that as long as these professional beggars continue receiving charity, they not only would keep coming back but will keep increasing as well.
As concluded from the accident data, main factors causing traffic accidents are over speeding, under influence driving and jumping traffic signals. It needs no emphasis that if heavy tickets are issued in all above referred violations, the consequent deterrence will help reducing number of accidents saving invaluable human lives. On said account SECURITY & VIGILANCE is persistently pushing the case with traffic police Karachi for strict enforcement i.e. road checks and heavy challans.
Issue of Prostitutes and Transgender is a sensitive and demands requisite legal authority and expertise to handle the scene; which needless to say is held with Police only.
Legal heirs will forward application along with photocopy of death certificate to T&R DCK as first information. T&R DCK will than forward instruction slip to them for transfer of plot in the name of legal heirs.
Legal heirs will forward application along with photocopy of death certificate to T&R Dte as first information T&R will than forward instruction to them for transfer of plot in the name of legal heirs.
Mondays to Fridays : 0930 to 1600 Hours
The holder of DHA category 'B' membership is eligible for sale/purchase of all type of properties DHA and DHA club memberships.
The holder of DHA category 'B' membership is eligible for sale/purchase of all type of properties DHA and DHA club memberships.
The holder of DHA category 'B' membership is eligible for sale/purchase of all type of properties DHA and DHA club memberships.
The holder of DHA category 'B' membership is eligible for sale/purchase of all type of properties DHA and DHA club memberships.
Once availing the membership of DHA City Karachi, you can proceed on multi sale / purchase of plots, it will also facilitate you to become the member of DHA City Karachi Projects i.e. Clubs, Libraries etc.
Payments are accepted through Pay Order/Demand Draft / Cashier’s Cheque in favour of DHA Karachi or DHA City Karachi.
Following procedures / formalities are required for change of address :-
(1) Application from the member with his/her original signatures (ensuring that the signatures are same as per record of DHA City).
(2) Copy of valid CNIC duly attested.
(3) Photocopy of application / emails and fax are not acceptable for change of address.
(1) In case of marriage
(a) Application for change of name with signatures of applicant. (same as per record held in DHA City). (b) Attested photocopy of valid CNIC (both self and husband). (c) Copy of Nikhanama duly attested.
(2) In case of divorce
(a) Photocopy of divorce deed duly attested. (b) Copy of valid CNIC (self) duly attested. (c) Copy of valid CNIC (Father) duly attested.
Merging of 2 or more plots into one plot is called amalgamation of plots.
Present owner will also apply for mutation of all missing transactions of leased properties alongwith current mutation.
Bifurcation of one plot into 2 or more plots is called division of plots.
Registration/updation record of leased properties in Clifton Cantonment Board (CBC), Military Estate Office (MEO) and Defence Housing Authority (DHA) by the owner(s) in their names which are already transferred in Sub-Registrar-I, Clifton Town office on the basis of Sub-Lease, Sale/Conveyance/Gift deeds etc is called mutation of property.
Sign before procedure is the formalities of signing the transfer documents in front of designated officer of DHA.
Sign before procedure is the formalities of signing the transfer documents in front of designated officer of DHA.
The DA Club located in Central Avenue Phase-II DHA was constructed in the year 1977.
DA Club was founded in 1977 exclusively for its members. The Club enrolled over 500
members along with their families, the membership in effect comes around 2000 plus.
Membership updation mean "Biometric System (finger prints), digital photographs, thumb impression and specimen signature" in front of DHA designated officer at DHA Karachi or DHA City Karachi.
Entrance Fee for registered household Rs.627000/- Security Deposit Rs.100000/- at the
time of Application for the membership o of DA Club, after which we shall process your
DHA does not hold on leased properties/plots, therefore for amalgamation of leased plots/properties owner is required to approach MEO, Karachi and get his/her plots be amalgamated first. DHA amalgamates the leased plots/properties on the basis of MEO amalgamation letter.
DHA does not hold on leased plots/properties therefore, for division of leased plots/properties owner is required to approach Military Estate Office (MEO), Karachi and get his/her plot be divided first. DHA divides the leased plots or properties on the basis of Military Estate Office (MEO) division letter.
For mutation of open leased plots the same procedure is followed, however No Demand Certificate (NDC) of Clifton Cantonment (CBC) is not required. In such cases DHA collects open plot transfer fee instead of normal mutation fee. Open plot certificate either by Clifton Cantonment (CBC) or DHA, TP&BC Directorate is also required.
New owner will deposit mut docus with all remaining Mut fees m/ship Fees.
Owner will apply on behalf m/ship, then apply for mutation.
If you had deposited the pay order / demand draft personally at DHA Head Office, you may get refund from the same, and if you had applied through bank, contact the relevant bank for refund of your amount, as all banks have been instructed by DHA for refund of your deposited amount.
Once you receive the membership form get it completely filled, attach relevant documents with demand draft and get it attested by the Embassy of Pakistan and send it back to DHA Head Office. We will accept and process your membership but it is mandatory to have your digital photograph and fingerprints which will be done whenever you visit DHA Head Office Karachi for the complete process of DHA City Karachi Membership.
Normal amalgamation case takes 21x working days and urgent amalgamation case takes 7x working days subject to clearance of dues by Finance Directorate and site visit by TP&BC Dte, DHA.
Normal division case takes 21x working days and urgent division case takes 7x working days subject to clearance of dues by Finance Directorate, DHA and site visit by Town Planning & Building Control Directorate, DHA.
Mutation is not processed on urgent basis. However, normal mutation takes at least 3 weeks subject to clearance of dues by Finance Directorate and site visit by DHA, TP&BC Directorate.
Change of ownership from seller to buyer is called transfer of plot.
Change of ownership from seller to buyer is called transfer of plot.
Once the courier visit your house and you are not present there, than contact nearest TCS office along with your original CNIC for collection of title document personally or visit DHA Head Office if you are residing with in city. If you are residing outside Karachi then approach through letter / application for the needful.
It depends on owner, DHA itself not suggest owner for amalgamation of plots.
It depends on owner, DHA itself not suggest owner for division of plot.
On purchase of ‘B’ / ‘C’ Leased property through a medium of Sale / Conveyance Deed etc or Sub-Lease and on endorsement by Clifton Cantonment Board (CBC) as well as Military Estate Office (MEO) Karachi.
You may access plot & payment verification section by clicking on DHA City Karachi home page.
Authorized person through consent letter.